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The Order of Daedalians was organized on March 26, 1934, by a representative group of American World War I pilots to perpetuate the spirit of patriotism, the love of country, and the high ideals of sacrifice which place service to nation above personal safety or position. The Order is dedicated to: insuring that America will always be preeminent in air and space—the encouragement of flight safety—fostering an esprit de corps in the military air forces—promoting the adoption of military service as a career—and aiding deserving young individuals in specialized higher education through the establishment of scholarships.  For more, visit their web site:



In the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses, I promise I will forever abide by the Tenets of the Order of Daedalians.  I make this promise with no equivocation or mental reservation and ask Almighty God to assist me in unwavering adherence to the spirit and provisions of this Promise. So help me God and keep me steadfast.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Advocate for air and space power and honor those who flew and fly in defense of our nation.


The Tenets of Daedalians

To Place Nation Above Self (Patriotism)

To Be Worthy of the Trust and Confidence of a Fellow Daedalian (Personal Integrity and Character)

The Objectives of the Daedalians

  • Support the current Total Force (Active Duty, Guard, Reserve and Civil Air Patrol).

  • Educate Americans to the advantages of Air and Space Power.

  • Promote the rewards of a career in military aviation to young Americans.

  • Honor the legacy of our Founder Members and all who have flown in defense of our nation.

  • Encourage and recognize improvements in Flight Safety, Weapons Development, Combat Support and the overall effectiveness of Air and Space Power.

  • Recognize exceptional performance by military aviators.

  • Actively recruit qualified new members to perpetuate the traditions and prestige of the Order and accomplish its stated objectives.

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